Payment plans available.
This qualification is for those looking to undertake the role of an internal quality assurer for qualification assessments. Candidates may also already be undertaking the role of an internal quality assurer, but want to formulate these by undertaking this recognised qualification.
IMPORTANT: Learners will need to have access to TWO assessors with at least two learners each to complete this course. Learners will also need to hold a regulated Level 3 Assessor qualification.
This qualification is for those looking to start on the journey to becoming an internal quality assurer of assessments. This is a knowledge based qualification and forms the foundation for each of the other internal quality assurance qualifications.
IMPORTANT: Learners DO NOT need assessors in order to complete this qualification, as it is knowledge only. Learners will need to hold a regulated Level 3 Assessors qualification.
For those who already hold the Level 4 Award in Understanding the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practice (with any Awarding Organisation).
This course will enables to complete Unit 2 only, and gain the full Level 4 IQAAPP. Learners need to have their UIQA certificate available.
IMPORTANT: Learners will need to have access to TWO assessors with at least two learners each to complete this course. Learners will also need to hold a regulated Level 3 Assessor qualification.
All courses are provided by Educati Ltd, a sister company of The Quality Assurance Network.
The Quality Assurance Network.